HigherMe Blog

It’s Pride Month: Here’s How You Can Ensure Your Business is an LGBTQ+ Positive Space

Written by Admin | Oct 1, 2020 12:26:00 PM

June is Pride month, and as the LGBTQ+ community gears up to spread awareness, more businesses than ever are showing their support.

However, there are ways to showcase your support for the queer community all year round. Developing your workplace culture around diversity and acceptance is great for your employees and your brand – plus, it can also boost your recruitment efforts, attracting socially-conscious individuals who share similar values. Here are a few simple ways you can get started!

Increase visibility

Openly showing your support for the LGBTQ+ community is the first step. One of the most straightforward approaches is prominently displaying icons such as the rainbow flag in your establishment. Other methods can include a diversity page on your website or indicating your business as a committed diversity employer.

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Create partnerships

Once you’ve taken care of visibility, the next step is to put your words into action. Connect with local organizations and communities to create partnerships whenever possible. This could involve anything from holding a fundraiser for a local charity to hosting a workshop for your staff on diversity and inclusion.

Provide workplace training

Every employee has the right to a harassment-free environment, where they can feel safe and have equal opportunities. However, enforcing basic workplace rules doesn’t guarantee an inclusive work culture. Consider having your staff engage in inclusivity training – this can provide valuable insight on things like correct pronoun usage, conflict resolution, and how to be a better ally. This will equip your team to better handle coworker and customer relationships!

How does your business promote diversity and inclusivity? HigherMe can help you create a Branded Career Page for your company to attract the best talent in your area! Connect with us at contact@higherme.com to learn more.